ISG BMS Training Day
During January, Lloret welcomed two separate groups from ISG to our head office to learn more about BMS and SMART buildings. The days were run by George and Scott, covering the fundamentals of BMS, smart building applications and the MSI role Lloret provides – introducing as well as refreshing some minds about the key concepts.
Lloret has worked with ISG for a number of years, the day provided a good opportunity for us to present an overview of the process by which we take a job through design to practical completion.
We gained some great feedback from ISG, with Ben Strzebrakowski commenting;
“It was a great opportunity for my entire TSM division to gain a greater, or refresh existing, technical knowledge. The 'workshop' environment allowed the teams to discuss details and lessons learnt with their colleagues, alongside the Lloret specialists.
Thank you to the entire Lloret team for putting on these very beneficial sessions.”
One of our delegates, additionally added:
“The course was well structured and focused on constructive debate. It gave a good all-round understanding of BMS delivery. The smart building section (CNS) demonstrated how all the systems in a building are brought together”
We look forward to hosting specialist system training days with ISG again and for more of our clients in the future.