WELL Building Standard

As an industry there is a rise in projects and builds, striving to achieve WELL Gold and Platinum scores. WELL Precertification proposes features that will ultimately be reviewed once buildings are completed and in use, to later be WELL Certified. Through the backing of scientific research, the standard looks to improve the health and well-being occupants can obtain from the internal environment of a building.

We at Lloret, are seeing a rise in clients requesting how we can contribute to the overall WELL Building Standard as we design, instal and supply systems that perdominantly affects three out of the seven ratings – Air, Comfort and Lighting. But ultimately, what does the WELL Building Standard entail?

Introduction to WELL

WELL Building Standard isn't a new initiative, it has been managed by International WELL Building Institute since 2014, growing momentum in recent years to become a widely accepted and desired criteria for buildings to obtain. It is a standard commonly associated with commercial and office builds, but it can be applicable throughout healthcare, homes and school buildings too. The certification is valid for three years, until a renewal is needed, to ensure standards are maintained.

To achieve a WELL certification a building will be numerically rated, marked against 100 features within seven different categories; Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. WELL v2 was launched in addition to the original set of standards to further include; Materials, Sound, Community and Innovation. A building’s rating is awarded in terms of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum being dependent on the scores given.

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Air Standard

WELL Standard looks to reduce the negative impact of poor indoor air quality, through focusing on buildings reducing the Particulate Matter (PM) air pollution – anything the air that is not gas, small particles and droplets. Indoor air pollutants can come from an array of different sources; including the addition of someone entering a room and altering carbon monoxide, a combination of outdoor fumes, cleaning products and many more.

Poor ventilation and the inhalation of PMs have the potential, to cause individuals long-term as well as short-term health issues, such as headaches – often referred to as ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ (2021 International WELL Building Institute pbc). The average adult spends on average, 90% of their time inside and within offices, we look to minimise the potential for people to get ill, as sick days and headaches lowers productivity.

We at Lloret support buildings in achieving a high level of indoor air quality set out by WELL Building Standard. Through the use of our Building Management Systems (BMS) and Internet of Things Sensors (IoT), working together to measure and detect both PM 2.5 and PM 10 pollutants. HVAC units are sent real-time data to adapt the flow of fresh air. It re-adjusts its flow accordingly, to best suit a change in environmental conditions, filtering out the polluted air and filtering in fresh clean air. To ensure the enhanced air quality, monitoring and the filtration of fresh air is maintained throughout the entirety of a building - meeting the WELL Certifications for a building.


As we look to provide a high standard of air quality through the systems Lloret provides, we additionally contribute to a second WELL Standard rating, comfort. More specifically Lloret looks to optimise and continually meet occupant's expectations of thermal comfort. The control and monitoring of HVAC systems, through our smart sensors, is vital for airflow to maintain a particular temperature and humidity, ensuring comfort levels are maintained.

We provide a means for thermal zoning to be achieved. The installation of individual thermostats for different rooms, in hospitals and offices, ensures easy adjustments and maximum control of the internal environment within all rooms. It has been researched that humidity and temperature, have a direct impact on health and productivity, so maintaining thermal comfort is something at Lloret we prioritise.


Alongside our traditional BMS, Lloret instals lighting control systems as we look to cover an additional WELL Building Standard rating. Humans react and are sensitive to the levels of light we are exposed to daily. WELL, therefore, looks to ensure the lighting strategies incorporated into building systems and are centred around individual's health and comfort, in turn leading to a more productive environment (WELL v2™).

A feature of the lighting standard set out in WELL focuses on the scientific research and the positive attributes circadian rhythm lighting can have within hospitals, schools and office spaces. The circadian rhythm is a lighting control system Lloret instals, imitating the light outside and into an internal environment. The pattern of light goes between warm and cool tones. The cool tones act as a stimulus to increase alertness in the middle of the day, whilst the warm tones operate in the morning and evening to support our natural body cycles and sleep patterns – contributing to a healthier mental well-being.

The WELL Building Standard is becoming a prominent requirement for buildings to achieve. At Lloret, our systems that are provide the foundations for a healthy building. The systems, if fully maintained and services, ensures the health and well-being of individual’s is not compromised by a building in the near future.

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